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A opinião e razões dos signatários da Petição: Pela Defesa da Imagem e Reputação de Portugal junto dos Investidores Internacionais, para Exmo. Senhor Presidente da República, Exmo. Senhor Presidente da Assembleia da República, Exmo. Senhor Primeiro-Ministro

Nome Comentário
Ms H. 15 months since investment and still application not processed. Now a proposal of retroactively changing conditions of the investment 'deal'? It does not seem to be ethical nor legal.
Leanne H. Cannot understand how a Government could possibly backtrack on a contract I signed to invest in the country and after 15 months in a supposed 3 month process, I am still no further forwards in processing and now the goal posts are being changed. It is not right, it is not fair and it has really put a bad taste in my mouth about a country that I used to feel very positive about. Honestly feel like I've been duped by an entire government.
chantal s. Golden Visa investor
Fernando A. Pelo especial motivo de que não temos mais dinheiro para pagar indemnizações infinitas.
Miguel L. Seria uma grande pena Portugal abrir mão de tanto investimento envolvido. Por favor reconsiderem. Obrigado
Felipe C. Entendo que Portugal deve assegurar aos já contemplados com o ARI a segurança jurídica de que as regras não sejam alteradas no curso da vigência dessas autorizações de residência. É, sem dúvida, uma forma de mostrar o respeito, deferência com os cidadãos estrangeiros dispostos a investir em Portugal e também uma forma mais que certa de mostrar ao mundo de que existe segurança jurídica em Portugal e que ela é preservada e respeitada pelo seu governo.
Mohamed L. Investir dans le Portugal, vaut dire donner confiance à ce pays et croire en son avenir. Le "visa doré" est un acte symbolique de remerciement. Il n'est pas juste de priver à ceux qui ont engagé leur confiance, temps et ressources. Il n'est pas juste de les remercier en ne respectant pas la promesse du Portugal. Oui, à donner la "visa doré" à ceux qui ont déjà investit sous le cadre de cette incitation économique.
Glenn K. Existem aproximadamente 10.000 vistos dourados, mas existem 110.000 AirBnBs. Em 2022, os investimentos em vistos de ouro não puderam ser feitos no Porto ou Lisboa, mas os valores imobiliários ainda subiram. O problema é o AirBnB, não o visto dourado.
Deepak A. I have out all my life savings there . This is a breach of trust.
Mark P. I invested in Portugal and have spent at least €1000000 over the past 5 years. This move by the Portuguese government is very disappointing and will be damaging to Portugal’s reputation internationally
Paulo M. I placed my passport number for the ID because I am not a golden visa holder yet
Peter F. Canadian citizen
Gregory S. US passport number above
Ozan G. I want earned rights of GV investors to be saved. Rise of Housing costs are not because of only 11.000 GV investors. Rules changes should not effect old applicants also we are waiting for fingerprint meeting for 1 and half years. I was expecting Portugal to be a fair and stable country. A bit dissapointed.
Francisca D. El Numero indicado corresponde al N°pasaporte
Fernanda R. El numero es el N° pasaporte de Chile
Gregory C. Foi indicado o n.º do título de residência
Alvaro l. as medidas anunciadas, nomeadamente não salvaguardarem os direitos adquiridos daqueles que já estão no decurso do processo e as suas legítimas expectativas, está ao nível do que se faz numa Venezuela da vida
Remille M. 1) Avoid the adoption of any measures that are retroactive, in clear violation of the Constitution of the Portuguese Republic, in violation of the principles of legal certainty and the protection of trust. 2) Avoid the adoption of any measures that affect the stability of investments made in Portugal and change the assumptions under which these investors were granted residence permits aimed at this category, namely contradicting the obligation that was legally imposed on them to keep their investments in cause for a minimum period of 5 years. 3) Allow for a legislative transition that protects all ongoing investments and that does not affect an activity sector that has always sought to adapt to the demands that have been imposed at each moment. 4) Adopt measures that do not contribute to massive recourse to the courts to demand fair compensation from the Portuguese State for the damage caused by the application of unconstitutional legislation.
Apolinario M. 1) Avoid the adoption of any measures that are retroactive, in clear violation of the Constitution of the Portuguese Republic, in violation of the principles of legal certainty and the protection of trust. 2) Avoid the adoption of any measures that affect the stability of investments made in Portugal and change the assumptions under which these investors were granted residence permits aimed at this category, namely contradicting the obligation that was legally imposed on them to keep their investments in cause for a minimum period of 5 years.

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