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A opinião e razões dos signatários da Petição: Proteção Paisagística / Landscape Protection Miradouro da Luz, para Câmara Municipal de Lagos, Assembleia Municipal de Lagos e Presidente da Câmara Municipal de Lagos

Nome Comentário
Marta T. A paisagem é de todos.
Alison K. We own an apartment iat James overlooking this development and our view would be obstructed.
Andrew p. No
Anja C. Sou residente na Praia da Luz há mais de 35 anos e o encanto dela é precisamente o facto de não estar urbanizada como as restantes zonas do Algarve e acreditem que há turistas que valorizam o "unspoilt".
Margarida S. Não concordo que se continue a destruir a paisagem.
Artur S. Não estraguem o pouco que ainda resta de bonito. Não transformem a Luz numa Albufeira!
paula p. Não a essa monstruosidade!
Patricia A. We own an apartment in St James and the Miradorou is opposite our apartment and should be preserved as a green area for the benefit of Luz and inhabitants. We oppose the proposed development.
David A. We own an apartment in St James and the Miradorou is opposite our apartment and should be preserved as a green area for the benefit of Luz and inhabitants. We oppose the proposed development.
Louise A. We own an apartment in St James and the Miradorou is opposite our apartment and should be preserved as a green area for the benefit of Luz and inhabitants. We oppose the proposed development.
Helen A. We own an apartment in St James and the Miradorou is opposite our apartment and should be preserved as a green area for the benefit of Luz and inhabitants. We oppose the proposed development.
Mary B. The space should be made into a small nature reserve, we love the green open space. No more expensive houses.
Tanya S. I own and live in my home that will be effected by this building. It could block my ocean view and make my home worth less. I enjoy my sea view and want you to protect it!
Therese C. I live in a home (that I own) that will be impacted by this. It will block my sea view if it's too tall and this will devalue my home.
Wendy S. Please don't spoil Luz with this eyesore .
Luisa C. A Praia da Luz precisa de mais espaços verdes, não cimento!
Helen M. I appose this plan
Martyn S. I am against this building plan because it impacts on the beauty of Praia Da Liz
Mrs C. I am not a resident but have been coming to Luz for 50 years and this is a terrible plan which will ruin this part of Luz.
Corneal B. I am against the development Luz does not need it and it will stop see views for a lot of residents who have bought houses expecting a view

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