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A opinião e razões dos signatários da Petição: Sr Sem Orelhas ...... Não é uma Petição, mas um pedido! Mr No Ears ……Not a petition but a request!, para Dora Coelho, Executive Director, Associação Turismo do Algarve

Nome Comentário
Rebecca G. Love you Mr No Ears!
Jennifer H. Mr. NoEars has brought together and touched the hearts of thousands of people. For just that, he (and his entire colony) deserves a plaque! What a sweet, wonderful man he is!
Victoria B. I love this kitty and he has gone global with affection for him.
José S. Sempre com os animais;pelos animais e para os animais!
Erika L. I wish I lived close enough to visit. If I ever make it to that part of the world I definitely will.
Lars K. This will also be a huge boost for tourism, and get even more tourists to Mr No Ears area. They want to know where he can be found. People love / will come to love him. Greetings from Denmark.
Tiffany G. This sweet boy needs a plaque so everyone can see and understand how special and loved he really is!!! And hopefully a plaque will also help keep him and his colony safe and protected! :)
Liz H. With love from across the world, Mr. No Ears is amazing!!
John D. A plaque is very important to help ensure the safety of Mr. No Ears. He is well cared for and is an important tourist attraction. Please install a plaque.
Cesar D. ¡Te amo Sr Sem Orelhas!
Narinder B. This is something Albufeira Camara must do and take seriously
Rachel I. This is an excellent idea. When I had visited Albufeira in September I saw Mr No Ears and was concerned if he was being looked after. It was only when I arrived home I became aware that he and his colony are cared for. The plaque would be very helpful!
Signorina F. Purrs Mr. No Ears from Signorina Fellini of Cats in Boxes based in Melbourne, Australia =^..^=
suzan r. such a precious soul that deserves justice
Tomoko K. We all love Mr. No Ears????
Vane K. por favor compartir asi el sr Sem Orelhas tiene una placa!!!
Laura N. I love Sr Sem Orelhas! He is worthy of a gazebo or fountain, but a plaque would be lovely too. :) Thank you.
Joanne W. Leeds in the Uk
Adrian M. We always visit Mr No Ears and his colony, when we visit Albufeira. He's quite a character and deserves some recognition.
S H. From Texas: It is good to see the compassion for kitties is all over the world and the Trap-Neuter-Release system is used as well!

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