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A opinião e razões dos signatários da Petição: Sr Sem Orelhas ...... Não é uma Petição, mas um pedido! Mr No Ears ……Not a petition but a request!, para Dora Coelho, Executive Director, Associação Turismo do Algarve

Nome Comentário
ana b. Vamos ajudar
Lídia F. Por um mundo com mais amor pelos seres especiais...
Janie C. muy importante
Sara B. Please Help this poor cat xx
Deanne R. Anything to help a poor, defenseless animal!
Paula m. Is só cute, Good help him.
Rick B. Love Mr No Ears...he deserves a sign
Sue L. This little cat has been through a lot; a plaque would not only honour him but also provide information about his condition and hopefully general information about the colony
Audrey D. X
Joan M. He is BEAUTIFUL <3
Miriam :)
Susie G. Love you Mr NoEars!xxx
Julie B. I hope the plaque goes ahead and Mr No Ears and his friends can stay happy and protected :)
Carole V. <3
Helena G. please help Mr sEm orelhas
Janice P. please put up information to help this sweet cat
Laure G. merci a toutes les personnes qui s occupes de Mr non oreilles et tout les autres....
Roxane <3 Mr Sans Oreilles
Nancy G. He is a beautiful big boy kitty.
teresa s. Hope the kitty gets help

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