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A opinião e razões dos signatários da Petição: Sr Sem Orelhas ...... Não é uma Petição, mas um pedido! Mr No Ears ……Not a petition but a request!, para Dora Coelho, Executive Director, Associação Turismo do Algarve

Nome Comentário
Ana C. Love and support for mr. No ears
Joan M. Please do whatever you help Mr No Ears. Thanks!!! I think he is the most adorably, sweetest cat ever (I don't care what he looks like). It does not stop them from loving you or you loving them
rosario s. completamente de acordo com o que li,vamos a isso:)
Avril S. Please erect a plaque for Mr. No Ears
Ann-Marie G. Yay for Mr. No Ears!
Kelly M. This plaque is such a great idea! Mr. No Ears has fans around the world and it would be great to let even more people know about him and the great work that Amigos dos Gatos do Algarve do helping these street cats stay safe and healthy!
Bonita S. Mr. No Ears is BEAUTIFUL!
Kerry L. The reason I visit Portugal is the street cats are so cared for and Mr No Ears is a local celebrity I wanted to meet. That he and his friends are so well looked after shows a country of compassion.
Jorge M. All for Mr no ears.
Lynette R. This is a fantastic idea!
vera m. just to know that I found him and his friends, acidentally, and not aware he was such a celebrity!
Louise H. what an amazing thing to do and lovely recognition for Mr No Ears and his family
Maria S. Lots of love from Italy!
maria b. que todos os amigos do face ajudem a partilhar e dar a conhecer o sr sem orelhas
jill w. Excellent idea, good for the Algarve!
Dani W. We visit Albufeira regularly and always make time for a trip to see Mr No Ears. This is a great idea to inform new and existing visitors.
marcus g. adoro a los mininos...
heba e. luv u no ears
Erin C. Mr no ears has touched my heart through Facebook, he is an adorable baby that deserved recognition
Maria a. Faz parte da vida daquele espaço . K continuem a admira-lo mas com respeito

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