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A opinião e razões dos signatários da Petição: Sr Sem Orelhas ...... Não é uma Petição, mas um pedido! Mr No Ears ……Not a petition but a request!, para Dora Coelho, Executive Director, Associação Turismo do Algarve

Nome Comentário
Steven R. Another international fan.
Graham H. He is well and being looked after.
M. W. Wonderful well cared for cat ambassador. Should certainly have a plaque explaining his situation and the of his colony.
Heather T. <3
debbi w. Please honor this request..thanks in advance
N G. usa
Susan B. God bless you Mr.No Ears and all the precious cats who live with you.
Ricardo R. Já tive o prazer de conhecer pessoalmente este adorável gatinho.
Sabina D. Apoio plenamente a proposta de montar uma placa informativa sobre Mr Sem Orelhas para que os visitantes sei que ele é bem cuidado e protegido de danos. Eu vi essas placas na Austrália, onde os turistas muitas vezes confundem os marsupiais nativos para ratos.
Baagheera A. .
Barbara B. Only makes sense to help this beautiful cat any way possible! Surely a sign would be in his best interest.
barbara t. We would love to see a plaque for Mr. No Ears, we love him !!
Catia C. Vamos ajudar os nossos animais
Ana G. Algarve ainda com mais charme...
Allison A. I think it is important for visitors to learn about Mr. No Ears, his life and his health. His appearance may alarm some folks, but educating them on him would help spread the knowledge that "imperfect" pets are still amazing!
Pam F. I strive to help those with out a voice, the animals. I hope Mr No Ears will get his plaque & maybe even a donation box to help with the colonies upkeep.
Lynn A. Mr. No Ears and his friends deserve a plaque and a safe place to live.
Norul A. Fell in love with Mr No Ears for a time now, and still <3 <3!!! -Good Luck from Malaysia!-
Antje R. you are doing an amazing job! Keep on helping Mr. No Ears!
sandra b. beautiful boy

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