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A opinião e razões dos signatários da Petição: Sr Sem Orelhas ...... Não é uma Petição, mas um pedido! Mr No Ears ……Not a petition but a request!, para Dora Coelho, Executive Director, Associação Turismo do Algarve

Nome Comentário
Charla D. Please allow Mr. No Ears and his colony to continue to thrive. A plaque would be helpful and informative to those who do not know the story of Mr. No Ears and his friends. Thank you.
Julie D. Let's get this done people!
Nilza S. Deixem o gatinho sem orelhas em paz no cantinho dele! <3
Ashley H. return him home
Maria O. Lovely boy
Elaine D. for Mr. No Ears and his colony. Bless you.
Bernard h. We plan on taking a vacation to you lovely city because of mister no ears.
jamie The kitty is Still cute
Roxann O. Nebraska,USA
Raychalle F. Let him go back home.
Tammy P. I just want people to know he is a loved kitty. My only concern, apparent from his ears is white kitties are much more susceptible to skin cancer. I wish someone would adopt him.
Ronda A. it would be nice to have a plaque telling his story and the importance of TNR . it will show to the people who come there that he is healthy and happy and just because he is different dosnt mean he is not happy
Arlene B. Please help the kitties, by making people aware and to understand the arrangement for the kitties by placing a plaque so all can understand.
cindy m. wonderful work you do - Maine, USA
Anika M. Mr No Ears is an example of life, he totally deserves his plaque.
Ann J. Such a sweet kitty, thanks for caring for him!!! >>^..^<<
Stacy A. I love Mr. No Ears :)
Tracy H. 613 979 4058
Trish D. Melbourne, Australia
Janet B. Love Mr No Ears!

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