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We want a Primark store in Aveiro, Portugal!

Para: Arthur Ryan, Chairman of Primark.

On behalf of the city, Aveiro in Portugal, i ask for a store opening. Even though we have Primark stores near us, having to drive over 63 km one way, and 75 km the other is no good and we would really like you to open a store here in Aveiro, which is most known as "Venice of Portugal". You offer cheap and fashionable clothes to your customers, and that's something that we think we should have the right too. We promise you if you open a store here in our city, it'll be of Portugal's most visited Primark Store. At the same time, it'll be helping the community by creating jobs, helping our country move forward in time and not back.

Qual a sua opinião?

We want a Primark store in Aveiro, Portugal! , para Arthur Ryan, Chairman of Primark. foi criada por: Population of Aveiro. .
Esta petição foi criada em 02 maio 2014
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