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Demissão de Blatter

Para: FIFA, Joseph Blatter

O presidente da FIFA ofendeu Cristiano Ronaldo, o futebol português e os portugueses em geral. Por tudo isso, e tendo em conta que assumiu uma posição pública de favoritismo por um determinado jogador, colocando-o como preferido a vencer o título de Bola de Ouro, os portugueses, e outros indignados pelo mundo fora, assinam esta petição exigindo a demissão de Joseph Blatter.
Esta atitude do presidente da FIFA demonstra bem a corrupção que paira no futebol mundial, na atribuição de organizações de grandes eventos e de prémios relevantes para a carreira de jogadores e treinadores.
O sucesso que os portugueses têm tido no futebol mundial tem suscitado muitos incómodos no seio da FIFA liderada por Blatter e esta atitude é mais do que suficiente, na opinião do Movimento pela Demissão de Blatter, para que abandone o cargo.

[English Version]

Resignation of Mr. Blatter

FIFA President has offended Cristiano Ronaldo, the Portuguese football and the Portuguese in general. For all this, and considering that he has taken a public position of preference towards a specific player, placing him as the favourite to win the Golden Ball award we ask you to sign this petition demanding the resignation of Mr Joseph Blatter. FIFA's president atitude goes to show the corruption levels that currently undermine world football and the decisions regarding the hosting of major events as well as the awards relevant for the careers of both players and managers. The most recent absurd statements and behaviour from Mr. Joseph Blatter represents just one more gaffe in his 15 years(!) ahead of FIFA. It gives us an idea on how things are taken lightly inside FIFA, and makes us wonder if that is the behaviour displayed in public then what actually happens behind closed doors? Between corruption allegations going all the way back to his election in 1998 until the most recent ones investigated by FIFA's ethics comittee this year, the permanent refusal to use video technology, the controversy regarding Qatar WC2022, the absence from the 2006 World Cup final award ceremony and with so many other unfortunate episodes we should be asking if this gentleman is fit for purpose as the number one decison maker of World football.
  1. Actualização #1 English Version: Resignation of Mr. Blatter

    Criado em 31 de outubro de 2013

    FIFA President has offended Cristiano Ronaldo, the Portuguese football and the Portuguese in general. For all this, and considering that he has taken a public position of preference towards a specific player, placing him as the favourite to win the Golden Ball award we ask you to sign this petition demanding the resignation of Mr Joseph Blatter. FIFA's president atitude goes to show the corruption levels that currently undermine world football and the decisions regarding the hosting of major events as well as the awards relevant for the careers of both players and managers. The most recent absurd statements and behaviour from Mr. Joseph Blatter represents just one more gaffe in his 15 years(!) ahead of FIFA. It gives us an idea on how things are taken lightly inside FIFA, and makes us wonder if that is the behaviour displayed in public then what actually happens behind closed doors? Between corruption allegations going all the way back to his election in 1998 until the most recent ones investigated by FIFA's ethics comittee this year, the permanent refusal to use video technology, the controversy regarding Qatar WC2022, the absence from the 2006 World Cup final award ceremony and with so many other unfortunate episodes we should be asking if this gentleman is fit for purpose as the number one decison maker of World football.

Qual a sua opinião?

Esta petição foi criada em 29 outubro 2013
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