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A opinião e razões dos signatários da Petição: Petition against the project of allotment 7/2020 in Meia Praia, Lagos, para Presidente da Câmara Municipal de Lagos

Nome Comentário
Pauline C. Please do not allow building on the parkland in Meia Praia.
Christina F. I object strongly to the building of anything on this land. It is detrimental to the area and willadversly affect the lives of those already resident.
Sofia M. A Praia da Luz não precisa de mais hoteis mas, sim de espaços de lazer para usufruto público e que tragam dinamismo para quem habita a zona. O miradoro é e deve permanecerum espaço de acesso público assim como o terreno em torno teria mais valor se fosse aproveitado como parque de passeio e parque para crianças, com apoio de um ou dois bares/restaurantes.
robert h. The Prime minister is telling us that the Algarve must have more activities that are not related to the tourism. To be less depended if the tourism will go down. And history shows it will be going down in the future. It is a just like fashion. I see nothing that Lagos is doing to promote other things than only tourists business. We have two companies that are making industrial tools but if you want to rent any industrial property you have prices like in the center of Lisboa. Why not helping small companies with the administration and housing. The help with searching for workforce is already started but you also needs places where you can work. The industrial area of lagos is not really up to date. Try to make it attractive so we can make a small “Silicon Valley”. The new generation need work. Only minimum wages jobs will not help them with rental prices so high. The tourist are not paying a lot of taxes. Actually you have to invest more because with all the new properties we need a new bridge and at least a hospital. Both of those are in the summer really necessary not in the winter. Go for a city where are people that are living here the whole year. We really ask you plea
Arne A. I am against the change of use of the land for commercial and higher buildings.
Karsten M. It is a No-Go Project

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